Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome to my world!

As long as I can remember, I’ve been comfortable with needle and thread. Growing up, we were not allowed to watch TV unless we were doing something else at the same time. Knitting, sewing, embroidery in all its forms were just the things you did in our family. You wore handknit sweaters. You made your party dress. Everyone made the art that decorated their home. As a kid, I just assumed everyone had needlepoint tapestries on their walls.

I’ve been sewing, knitting, embroidering and generally messing about with fabric and thread for over 35 years now. I have taught embroidery techniques and accepted private commissions, generally to supplement my day job and to fund more supplies. Highlights include embroidery demonstrations at the Creative Sewing Festival, having my designs published in Style at Home and Fab Magazine, seeing good friends light up when they put on the wedding dress I created just for them, and selling to celebrities through Etsy. (OK, so I wandered about saying “wow” every five minutes, told half the town who my first Etsy customer was, and insisted the women in the post office look at who the scarf was being mailed to… I was excited!)

In the fall of 2008, I decided to throw caution to the wind, leave the corporate world and pursue these creative endeavours full-time. I am much happier, on the whole calmer, and frankly more fun to be around. 2009 was a year of experimenting with designs and materials, testing the market and judging reactions, and investigating venues for my work. Although I still teach techniques and make bespoke clothing, I am increasingly enjoying making limited-edition accessories. 2010 has brought my first retail outlet, and I am looking forward to finding new and exciting audiences for my work. You can find out more about my range of services and contact me through my website.

My intention is for this blog to chronicle my work and my efforts to find those new and exciting audiences. At the moment I am preparing for a coming out party of sorts for a group of local artists and designers. We are calling it the Who Knew? Fashion and Art Event and you can find out all the details at I will be launching my new line of jewellery at this event and on this blog. The collection has been designed to be not only pretty to look at but comfortable and easy to wear. I hope women enjoy wearing it as much as I have enjoyed making it!

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